Getting Started with Lists

This page will help you get started with Lists. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

DragonFly\Lists is a Laravel 5 package that makes it easy to set up dataTables for you front-end
code, as well as handle the requests that it requires to retrieve data.

I've taken a similar approach to this problem as Laravel's own form Request's.


First run composer require:

composer require dragonfly/lists

Next open up app/config/app.php and add the serviceProvider:


Once that's done open up app/Http/Kernel.php, we'll need to add a trait to the class and a new property:

use \DragonFly\Lists\Http\KernelTrait;
    * DataTable definitions (the key is used as a slug for routing)
    * @var array
    protected $tables = [];

Lastly you'll create a new folder called Tables in app/Http and you're all set to go.

However if you'd like to make use of the config that comes bundled, you could run the following command in your terminal:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="DragonFly\Lists\ServiceProvider"